Friday, July 21, 2006
Monday, May 22, 2006
Monday, April 24, 2006
Sunday, April 23, 2006

I love the airplane in the background. The recruits have to see the airplanes take off and land constantly; the base is right next to San Diego Airport. When we landed, we could see the obstacle course and the base from the airplane.

I love this picture. Bella would just giggle and giggle. When we got in the car to go anywhere she would start singing.
She was so good all week. I was impressed with how well behaved she was. She would get into trouble with her mom and turn around and grin so big!
She is a darling little girl and I wanted to bring her home!

We went to Target to get Anthony some civilian clothes to wear to SeaWorld. While we were there, he decided he wanted some ice cream. He was standing in line to get the single scoop ice cream cone they sell in the food court when a man behind him starting talking to him. They talked for a few minutes and then the man told the cashier that he would pay for Anthony's ice cream, too. When she handed the "single scoop" cone to Anthony, it was a double scoop!
We noticed a lot of people giving Anthony a lot more respect when he was wearing his uniform. Nice to see people still respect the uniform.

Mom in front of a giant cactus in Old Town San Diego. We were there long enough to play tourist! Mom, Rachel, Bella, Meghan and I spent all day Wednesday together wandering around Old Town.
Pretty interesting stuff. I have a lot of pictures from there, too, but I won't post those. They are pretty boring for most people.

This is Anthony and Meghan after the Emblem Ceremony.
He was on his second tray of food. Right after the ceremony, we went to the mini mall on base and had something to eat. He ate an entire tray of food at that point. Then we went to walk around for a while. Suddenly, he says he's hungry again. So we went back for more and he ate another whole tray of food.
I was talking to some other visitors and they all said their Marines were doing the same thing. All the letters home were about food and all they wanted to do was eat.